Eirtech Readiness for Covid-19

Business Continuity Update

  • Life at Eirtech


Dear Customers,


Given the current situation around the Covid-19 outbreak we wanted to provide you with a brief update and assure you that we have a robust business continuity plan in place.


  • In the event of an escalation of measures by Government Departments and any potential requirement for broader self-isolation of people either in specific locations or country wide – we are fully prepared to maintain current global operations in Shannon, Dublin, UK and Singapore.
  • As a company we are very mobile and all employees in all of our geographic locations have the ability to work remotely.
  • We do not anticipate any disruption to ongoing projects unless as a result of potential government initiated measures on travel.
  • Please be assured that our teams will maintain our communication levels to keep you informed and we will minimise any impact for customers with ongoing projects.


We remain readily contactable by email and mobile phone as per normal. Please contact us directly if you have any questions (eassales@etas.ie


Thank you for your continued support.